March 23 - Barb Hanson - Building of Europe in Watercolours

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About class: Building of Europe in Watercolours

***** max students: 20 *******

Date: March 23, 2025

Time: 10am - 4pm

Instructor: Barb Hanson

Location: upstairs in the Art Guild Room at the Lacombe Memorial Centre

Class supplies list below, scroll down to see more!

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About class: Building of Europe in Watercolours

***** max students: 20 *******

Date: March 23, 2025

Time: 10am - 4pm

Instructor: Barb Hanson

Location: upstairs in the Art Guild Room at the Lacombe Memorial Centre

Class supplies list below, scroll down to see more!

About class: Building of Europe in Watercolours

***** max students: 20 *******

Date: March 23, 2025

Time: 10am - 4pm

Instructor: Barb Hanson

Location: upstairs in the Art Guild Room at the Lacombe Memorial Centre

Class supplies list below, scroll down to see more!

NEW: if you would like to pay for your class spot via etransfer, please still register online through our website, and send your etransfer payment to to complete your registration. Your registration will not be complete or held until payment is received.

It’s lovely to be able to immerse yourself into the culture of other countries, and when you aren’t able to, or you want a reminder of where you have been, what’s better than having a painting to get lost in?

You will be able to choose to paint 1, 2, or 3 images and learn to paint loosely, while adding in the intricate details that will make Europe distince. You should leave class with insight on how to do building from pretty much anywhere!

Supply list:

  • Arches rough paper - 8” x 10” for each piece

  • Brushes:

    • round brush (close to an 18 or 20) or round mop brush

    • small brush for details - 0 or 2

    • 1/2” angle or flat

    • any other brushes you are comfortable with

  • Spray bottle

  • Paints (please do not go buy new ones, as we can work with what you have)

    • Neutrals (such as burnt sienna, yellow ochre, buff titanium, naples, yellow)

    • Neutral tint or indigo or Payne’s gray, burnt or raw umber (dark brown basically)

    • Yellows, oraneges

    • “Punch” painys - teal or torquoise, quinacridone magenta or red, alizarin crimson

    • Nice to have but not necessary: granulating paints in browns, grey, or purple

  • Usual supplies: paper towel, a towel, water containers, lunch, snack, pencil, eraser, graphite paper for tracing (or use a window), notebook, and of course your great attitude!